YS and CircleCI

Here is an example of refactoring a CircleCI config.yml file to YS: https://github.com/BetterThanTomorrow/calva/blob/published/.circleci/README.md

What started out as one big 636 line YAML file  External link with lots of embedded Bash scripts, was refactored into nearly 40 small files  External link each with a clear and specific purpose.

You can see the how the migration was made over 30 single purpose commits in this Pull Request  External link .

Now changes are made in a much more maintainable way, and the CircleCI required config.yml file is generated from the YS files using a simple ys command:

$ ys -Y config.ys > config.yml

As a bonus, linting was performed on the Bash scripts (now in their own files) and several small issues were found and fixed.

This technique is a general strategy for refactoring large YAML files into smaller, more maintainable ones, regardless of whether or not the target system uses YS natively yet.