Santa's in d'buggy
With one week to go, Santa's gotta get his sleigh in top shape. Can't have any breakdowns on the big night. His sleigh might look like a simple wooden buggy, but it's more temperamental and buggy than a 2023 Tesla!
But this is Santa we're talking about. He's done this a few times, so he knows how to get the bugs out.
Welcome to Day 18 of the YS Advent Calendar🔗
Today we're going to look at a few ways to debug YS programs. We'll also cover some of the common mistakes that you might make when writing YS code.
# hello.ys
say: "Hello, world!"
Let's run this very simple program:
$ ys hello.ys
Hmmm. Nothing happened. What's wrong?
This first thing I do when my YS program doesn't work is see what the Clojure
code that it compiled to looks like.
We didn't get a compile error there when we ran ys
, so let's look at the
code we were running:
$ ys hello.ys -c
{"say" "Hello, world!"}
Oh snap! We forgot to start the program with !YS-v0
The program started of in bare
mode, which is just a YAML mapping.
We also could have run the program with --print
to see what it evaluated to:
$ ys hello.ys -p
{"say" "Hello, world!"}
Same thing. Let's fix the program now:
say: "Hello, world!"
$ ys hello.ys
Hello, world!
That's better.
Let's write a program to dynamically generate a list of numbers:
# map.ys
map inc: [1 2 3]
This program doesn't say
That's because we are using it to generate data, so we'll --load
$ ys map.ys -l
Compile error: Sequences (block and flow) not allowed in code mode
That's scary! And what's up with Java?! I don't think it even compiled.
When this happens, I like to debug the 7 layers of YS compilation, with the
option, aka -d
$ ys map.ys -d
$ ys map.ys -l -d
*** parse output ***
({:+ "+MAP", :! "YS-v0"}
{:+ "=VAL", := "map inc"}
{:+ "+SEQ", :flow true}
{:+ "=VAL", := "1 2 3"}
{:+ "-SEQ"}
{:+ "-MAP"})
*** compose output ***
{:! "YS-v0", :% [{:= "map inc"} {:-- [{:= "1 2 3"}]}]}
Compile error: Sequences (block and flow) not allowed in code mode
The 7 stages of YS compilation are: parse
, compose
, resolve
, build
, construct
, and print
It looks like we are getting an error in the resolve
The -d
option means the same thing as -Dparse -Dcompose -Dresolve -Dbuild
-Dtransform -Dconstruct -Dprint
So we parsed the YAML input into pieces and then composed a tree out of them. In the resolve stage we look at each node of the tree and figure out what it means semantically.
YS doesn't allow sequences in code mode. And it doesn't allow any flow style
collections [] {}
in code mode either.
But we wrote [1 2 3]
, not [1, 2, 3]
To YAML, [1 2 3]
is valid but it means ["1 2 3"]
We really meant this list to be a YS ysexpr vector not a YAML sequence.
We wanted YAML to see the RHS as a scalar value, not a sequence.
YAML plain (unquoted) scalars can't begin with certain characters, like [
, *
, &
, !
, |
, >
, %
, @
, #
etc because they are YAML syntax.
In YS when we want a ysexpr string that starts with one of these characters, we
can escape it with a plus +
map inc: +[1 2 3]
And let's just check the resolve stage this time:
$ ys map.ys -l -Dresolve
$ ys map.ys -l -Dresolve
*** resolve output ***
{:ysm [{:ysx "map inc"} {:ysx "[1 2 3]"}]}
It resolved! And it worked! We got our list of numbers.
The error message indicated a java.lang.Exception
Remember that YS is Clojure and Clojure is Java.
The JVM is compiled out of the picture in YS, but the error message still
comes from Java stuff.
Here's a little program to calculate the factorial of a number:
# factorial.ys
!#/usr/bin/env ys-0
defn main(n):
say: factorial(n)
defn factorial(x):
apply *: 2 .. x
Let's see how it works:
$ ys factorial.ys
Error: Wrong number of args (0) passed to: sci.impl.fns/fun/arity-1--3508
$ ys factorial.ys 10
$ ys factorial.ys 20
$ ys factorial.ys 30
Error: long overflow
Two of the four runs we got an error. Hopefully the errors are pretty obvious. The first time we forgot the number it wanted. The second time we tried to calculate a number that was too big for a 64 bit integer.
This was a very small program, but when things blow up, it's nice to have a stack trace to see exactly where the error happened and what code path it took to get there. Especially when many library files are involved.
You can see the stack trace on any error by using the --stack-trace
option aka
$ ys -S sample/rosetta-code/factorial.ys 30
Runtime error:
java.lang.ArithmeticException: long overflow
at clojure.lang.Numbers.multiply (
clojure.lang.Numbers$LongOps.multiply (
clojure.lang.Numbers.multiply (
clojure.core$_STAR_.invokeStatic (core.clj:1018)
clojure.core$_STAR_.invoke (core.clj:1010)
clojure.lang.LongRange$LongChunk.reduce (
clojure.core$reduce1.invokeStatic (core.clj:944)
clojure.core$_STAR_.invokeStatic (core.clj:1020)
clojure.core$_STAR_.doInvoke (core.clj:1010)
clojure.lang.RestFn.applyTo (
clojure.core$apply.invokeStatic (core.clj:667)
clojure.core$apply.invoke (core.clj:662)
sci.lang.Var.invoke (lang.cljc:202)
sci.impl.analyzer$return_call$reify__6143.eval (analyzer.cljc:1422)
sci.impl.fns$fun$arity_1__5030.invoke (fns.cljc:107)
sci.lang.Var.invoke (lang.cljc:200)
sci.impl.analyzer$return_call$reify__6139.eval (analyzer.cljc:1422)
sci.impl.analyzer$return_call$reify__6147.eval (analyzer.cljc:1422)
sci.impl.analyzer$return_call$reify__6139.eval (analyzer.cljc:1422)
sci.impl.fns$fun$arity_1__5030.invoke (fns.cljc:107)
clojure.lang.AFn.applyToHelper (
clojure.lang.AFn.applyTo (
clojure.core$apply.invokeStatic (core.clj:667)
sci.impl.analyzer$analyze_fn_STAR_$reify__5779$f__5780.doInvoke (analyzer.cljc:538)
clojure.lang.RestFn.applyTo (
clojure.core$apply.invokeStatic (core.clj:667)
clojure.core$apply.invoke (core.clj:662)
sci.lang.Var.invoke (lang.cljc:202)
sci.impl.analyzer$return_call$reify__6143.eval (analyzer.cljc:1422)
sci.impl.analyzer$return_call$reify__6139.eval (analyzer.cljc:1422)
sci.impl.interpreter$eval_form.invokeStatic (interpreter.cljc:40)
sci.impl.interpreter$eval_string_STAR_.invokeStatic (interpreter.cljc:66)
sci.core$eval_string_PLUS_.invokeStatic (core.cljc:276)
yamlscript.runtime$eval_string.invokeStatic (runtime.clj:209)
yamlscript.cli$do_run.invokeStatic (cli.clj:347)
yamlscript.cli$do_default.invokeStatic (cli.clj:410)
yamlscript.cli$do_main.invokeStatic (cli.clj:489)
yamlscript.cli$_main.invokeStatic (cli.clj:527)
yamlscript.cli$_main.doInvoke (cli.clj:506)
clojure.lang.RestFn.applyTo (
yamlscript.cli.main (:-1)
java.lang.invoke.LambdaForm$DMH/sa346b79c.invokeStaticInit (LambdaForm$DMH:-1)
Well... You asked for it. :- )
Print debugging is a great way to debug programs.
YS provides some help here with it's `WWW` and `XXX` standard library
Conceptually these come from an old Perl module I wrote years ago called
* `WWW` warns (prints to stderr) it's argument and returns it.
* `XXX` dies (prints and then terminates) it's argument.
Here's a contrived example that passes data through a pipeline of functions:
# pipeline.ys
->> (1..10):
map: inc
filter: \(= 0 (mod % 2)) # odd?
reduce: +
=>: say
Check it:
$ ys pipeline.ys
The ->>
function is Clojure's threading macro.
It lets you pass a value through a pipeline of transformation functions without
having to reverse nest them in a ton of parentheses.
It's quite nice and handy.
Often times when I'm writing a pipeline like this, I want to see what the data
looks like after a particular transformation or maybe after several of them.
I almost always us WWW
for this.
->> (1..10):
WWW: "before map"
map: inc
WWW: "after map"
filter: \(= 0 (mod % 2)) # odd?
WWW: "after filter"
reduce: +
WWW: "after reduce"
=>: say
=>: WWW
function can actually take multiple arguments.
It prints them all and returns the last one.
The ->>
threading macro adds its value as the last argument to each function.
So the way we did it here we are adding a label to each debugging section.
I used =>: WWW
to show how to call it with no extra label argument.
Remember that =>:
is the YS way to write a mapping pair when you only need
one thing (the WWW
function in this case).
$ ys pipeline.ys
("before map" (1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10))
("after map" (2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11))
("after filter" (2 4 6 8 10))
("after reduce" 30)
Each WWW call wraps the output with a ---
and a ...
so you can see where
the output starts and ends.
I hope you enjoyed this little tour of YS debugging. There are many more ways to debug YS programs. Likely many than I've even thought of yet.
See you tomorrow for Day 19 of the YS Advent Calendar.