YS (say "wise") is the best way to work with YAML
Take Full Control of Your YAML
- YS is always 100% valid YAML
- Lint, Query, Validate w/ existing tools
- Created by YAML inventor/maintainer
- YS has YAML Loaders for all languages
- Same Capabilities, Features, Bugs & Fixes
- A Common & Consistent YAML Experience
(with or without using YS logic features)
- YS is always 100% valid YAML
YAML Made Functional
!YS-v0: vars =: load('vars.yaml') json-file =: 'data.json' a normal key: and normal value name:: ENV.USER:uc1 color:: vars.colors:shuffle.0 some stuff:: curl("https://example.com/$json-file") .stuff.take(rand-int(5).++) :when ENV.DEBUG_VARS:: debug:: vars
Simplify your existing YAML
- Refactor, Deduplicate, DRY
- Over 1000 standard functions built in
- Dozens of built in libraries
- External libraries as well
- Define your own functions and libraries
- Limit YS capabilities to your exact needs
Plays Well with DevOps Tools
- HelmYS for Kubernetes Helm charts
- CI/CD, Docker, Ansible, etc.
- Your existing YAML files are valid YS!
- Take them to the next level
Import, Transform, Interpolate and More
Learn YS Today!
"Zero to YS in 10 seconds!"
curl -s https://getys.org/ys | bash # Adjust PATH if asked to. ys --help ys -e 'say: "Hello, World!"'